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Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association

The Pennsylvania Motor Truck Association (PMTA) was organized in 1928. As part of a national integrated network of trucking associations and affiliates, their purpose is to identify the key issues that impact the trucking industry and fight to preserve and strengthen the trucking industry in Pennsylvania, and through our elected officials in Harrisburg and Washington, D.C. The organization also provide an array of tangible business services to its members, delivering education and awareness programs, up-to-the-minute industry news and trends, and money saving services.

Joe Butzer, Interim President of PMTA describes how Milliron Goodman has assisted his organization in reaching its legislative goals and helping to further its mission.

Legislative Goals

PMTA’s legislative goals are common-sense oriented. We are either trying to get antiquated laws updated or removed from the regulations altogether. Click below to see how our Advocacy and Public Affairs services worked for PMTA.

Outcome & Successes

Milliron Goodman has been paramount on advancing our legislative goals. For example; a number of years ago, one of our goals was to change the PA State Inspection for trucks to once per year from the then current twice per year. USDOT only requires a formal inspection annually. Milliron Goodman took this challenge head on and pushed not only our State Legislature but each one of the regulatory agencies involved and once again, common sense prevailed. The achievement of this major goal has saved each of our members over $125.00 for each truck they operate for every year in the future they have that truck. Looking forward, Milliron Goodman will be heavily leaned upon in the future as PMTA battles against tolling Interstate bridges and Interstates in the Commonwealth.

The Client Experience

PMTA could not accomplish what Milliron Goodman does on our behalf. The staff is extremely responsive and always there for us no matter what day of the week or the time of day. They are always willing to tell our members’ story. Milliron Goodman has all the right connections to get the job done. They seem to have contacts in every regulatory agency and always jump at the chance to help us.
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Contact Us

Milliron Goodman
Government Relations
200 North 3rd Street
Suite 1500
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101

Phone: 717-232-5322