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PA Osteopathic Medical Association

PA Osteopathic Medical Association (POMA) is the official voice for over 8,000 licensed osteopathic physicians, plus residents, interns and students, in Pennsylvania. The purpose of POMA is to promote public health by the elevation and maintenance of high standards of osteopathic education; the stimulation of research and investigation; and the collection and dissemination of such knowledge for the education and improvement of the profession and for the benefit of humanity.

Gene Battistella, DO, POMA President shares his experience working with Milliron Goodman Government Relations, particularly as the organization faced an important issue that came to a head amidst a global pandemic.

Legislative Goals

POMA was embroiled in a legislative scope of practice battle that had been smoldering for decades. The Senate of Pennsylvania overwhelmingly passed a bill providing full independent practice of medicine by a non-physician provider group. The outlook was bleak. Milliron Goodman immediately used its relationships with the PA House oversight committee chairmen and both Republican and Democratic committee members, to propel POMA into a front-row seat. Through Milliron Goodman, POMA was able to negotiate a limited, 6-year pilot program with significant oversight, monitoring and objective report metrics. The result was nothing less than a success, given the legislative alternatives and POMA’s focus of protecting patients by having care provided to the level of training of each member of the healthcare team.

Outcome & Successes

Milliron Goodman helped POMA navigate the litany of landmines, both legislatively and politically, that brought us to a successful resolution to our biggest legislative issue.

The Client Experience

The Milliron Goodman team consistently provided information on who they were meeting with and intelligence reports on what was being said. They would use this information to provide positioning advice that served POMA well. If you would have told me at the beginning of the year, we would have successfully negotiated a deal that would be to the satisfaction of our physician membership, I would not have believed you. But with M&G leading our efforts this is exactly what happened just a few months later. And, during a national pandemic!
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Milliron Goodman
Government Relations
200 North 3rd Street
Suite 1500
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17101

Phone: 717-232-5322